Tuesday, 30 June 2020

My QL Application

Finished the application of the Quality Label. I am happy with it :)

Monday, 15 June 2020

Certification of Participation

We have successfully completed T-Games eTwinning project and all deserved the certificates below 👏👏👏

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

T-GAMES e-book

T-GAMES e-book is on the air with the participation and coordination of the all members. I thank you all for their great support.


Friday, 29 May 2020

OUR SCHOOL                    : Vakfıkebir Kemaliye Adnan Demirtürk  Primary School / Turkey
TARGET OF THE GAME : 4-10 years old
GAME DESCRIPTION      : This game is an outdoor game and great fun. This game teaches you to move together.It also supports muscle development.

HOW TO PLAY                   :In this game,children are divided into two groups of equal number.They stand side by side and holding hands on the playing field.Starting the game ,the first group says “Oy menekşe menekşe,bizden size kim düşe?”The other group comes together and talks to determine the weakest.When the weakest is determined,her/his name is called.All of the group says “Mendilin yere düşe,sizden bize (name) düşe.”The person whose name is said quickly runs to the opposite team and tries to pass through two person.One of two people gets his own team if he/she can go through.If he/she doesn’t,he/she is on the other side.The game continues in this way until a team’s players are gone.

We played games with our family at home on quarantine days.😊😊
 We did our letter "T"

Kazikli's letter for the project calender

My students prepared their letter and charecter 😆

Doing puzzle

I have completed my puzzle in 3.14 minutes 😆 I have also sent the link to my parents 😀

Project Calender

We just created our project calender with the contribution of all partners and their students. Our students drew and painted one letter and we combined them all and at last made our Project Calender 😉

Online puzzle as a common work

We prepared an online puzzle with the drawing come from our students. Thanks to each student and teacher since they guided them well :)

Click here to reach the online puzzle link.


YOUR SCHOOL                 : Vakfıkebir Kemaliye Adnan Demirtürk  Primary School / Turkey
NAME OF THE GAME       : I sell oil  I sell honey
NUMBER OF PLAYERS  : unlimited
TARGET OF THE GAME : 6-10 years old
GAME DESCRIPTION      : This game is an outdoor game. It is commonly played in our city. This game needs a handkerchief. It improves students’ kinesthetic skills. Students are very active while they are playing this game.
HOW TO PLAY                  : A player is chosen to be “it”and given a handkerchief.Other players sir in a circle,facing inward.
The “it” starts walking clockwise around the circle singing nursery rhyme.
At someone point the “it” slyly drops the handkerchief behind one of the sitting players.
Players sitting in tha circle are not allowed to look behind but can only check the ground with their hands.
As soon as a player finds the handkerchief behind,he/she takes it and starts running around the circle in the same direction to tag “it”,while “it” aims to return to and sit in the spot left by the other player.
        If “it” succeeds to sit in the spot without being tagged ,the player with the handkerchief becomes “it”and the game continues in the same manner.If the player with the handkerchief manages to tag “it”,the “it”takes the handkerchief and remains as “it” for another round.