Friday, 29 May 2020

YOUR SCHOOL                 : Vakfıkebir Kemaliye Adnan Demirtürk  Primary School / Turkey
NAME OF THE GAME       : I sell oil  I sell honey
NUMBER OF PLAYERS  : unlimited
TARGET OF THE GAME : 6-10 years old
GAME DESCRIPTION      : This game is an outdoor game. It is commonly played in our city. This game needs a handkerchief. It improves students’ kinesthetic skills. Students are very active while they are playing this game.
HOW TO PLAY                  : A player is chosen to be “it”and given a handkerchief.Other players sir in a circle,facing inward.
The “it” starts walking clockwise around the circle singing nursery rhyme.
At someone point the “it” slyly drops the handkerchief behind one of the sitting players.
Players sitting in tha circle are not allowed to look behind but can only check the ground with their hands.
As soon as a player finds the handkerchief behind,he/she takes it and starts running around the circle in the same direction to tag “it”,while “it” aims to return to and sit in the spot left by the other player.
        If “it” succeeds to sit in the spot without being tagged ,the player with the handkerchief becomes “it”and the game continues in the same manner.If the player with the handkerchief manages to tag “it”,the “it”takes the handkerchief and remains as “it” for another round.

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