Friday, 10 January 2020

T-Games project news

We are trying to make our project access more and more people. So, we are making many news. Here are the news links below;

Our second game, Mr. Microbe

Our second game is Mr. Microbe.

This game is an outdoor game. It is commonly played in our village. This game needs no materials. It improves students’ kinesthetic skills. Students are very active while they are playing this game.

One of the students becomes a germ. He chases his friends and tries to infect them. The students he touches become ill and sits down. The game continues until all students are captured. The last student caught is “Mr. Microbe”. During the game, the germ song is sung or opened by the player.

Learning ring-cup game

We learnt ring-cup game. My students had great fun while playing this game :)

Learning Mangala

We learnt how to play Mangala. It was very difficult to leanr its rules but we did :)

Learning Violet

We are learning our partner's game, Violet :)

Escaped Fish

We played our first game and introduced it to our partners.

Escaped Fish

Our first game, Escaped Fish. This game is a traditional game in our village. It needs a fish net to make the circle. This game gets its name from the net.

Breathing into the future

Breathing into the future in the National Planting Day. We joined this activity with my all students.

Democratic participation

Democratic participation of my students to the selection of the work :)

Project intrdouction to my students

Project introduction to my students. They are really eager to join in this project because they all like playing games a lot :)

Parents' permission

We have collected the permission sheets of parents of my students.

Introduction of the school

Kazikli Primary School introduction is below;