Friday, 27 March 2020


    Divide the group into pairs. Distribute all partners, link elbows and stand in a very large space, leaving at least 3-4 meters between each pair.

    Now designate one player as "It" and choose another player as the one being pursued.

     If “It” can tag “The pursued”, this player becomes "It." However, if “The pursued” wants to escape, the player simply runs toward one of the standing couples and links elbows with one of the pair to make a threesome.

     When “The pursued” joint with the couple, the one member of the pair whose arm she did not take must separate at top speed. This player instantly becomes new prey for "It".

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

What's the time mr/ms wolf?

      One student is selected to be “Mr Wolf”. He  must stand at the opposite end of the activity area near a wall and turn round himself. The rest of the children must ask: “What´s the time, Mr wolf?”. Then, Mr wolf says aloud one hour (for example, five o’clock). In this moment the children must give the number of steps that Mr Wolf has said. In this case, five.

       So, The children continue asking Mr Wolf.

    When Mr Wolf wants, he may shout  “Dinner time!” and he turns around and run to catch somebody. If he tags somebody, This player instantly becomes the new Mr Wolf for the next round.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Light Bulb. Spaninsh game

    A geometric figure is drawn on the ground with chalk, "the light bulb"; a player stands in the center of it in a leap position and asks for names of ..... (animals, countries, colors ....). The rest, in an established order, jump on leapfrog and say an animal name, country ..., taking three steps after the jump and remaining still on the spot. When one repeats a name or does not know any, it is called leapfrog.

    Once everyone has jumped into the lightbulb, the league player yells "lightbulb" and everyone runs around trying to get out of the lightbulb before being caught by the league player, who would go on to bind it.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Spanish game: Pase-Misi

 There are two people giving hands. They agree to be one fruit, for example Banana and Apple. Start singing: "Pase Misi, pase misá por la puerta de Alcalá, los de alante corren mucho, los de atrás se quedarán". The rest of students go pasins across the hands. When the sing is finished, the boy/girl who is under the hands is trapped. Then he has to choose between Banana or Apple. And go behind. The sing start again...until there are no students. At the end, they pull and win the ones who resists!!

Friday, 20 March 2020

The known game: I sell oil

A t-game we have already known: I sell oil, I sell honey  We played it and had funny time :)

New game: Handkerchief

We have learned and played Handkerchief. It was a very entertaining t-game  We had great fun 

Monday, 2 March 2020

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Project Walls of Kazikli Primary Schools

We have prepared some project boards including our works.

Webinar with students

We were really happy to meet you all. Thank you very much for this great experience.

New Year Cards

We got our new cards from Croatia. Thank your very much for you my dear friend, Biserka Knez. My students are really happy with your surprise.