Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Our slogans

We have formed our project slogans.

Our logo for the contest

We have chosen our project logo for the contest. We paid attention to the democratic participation of my students. They had great fun while choosing their best logo.

Our project introduction poster

I have made this poster to disseminate our project in social media platforms. It consists of the activities and the time of the project.

Our project posters in Kazikli Primary School

We have made many posters about our project. You can also use these in your works and your students' works. All can be shared in any social media platforms for the project dissemination.

Our project logos in Kazikli Primary School

We have created our project logos. We have begun to choose the most voted one by my students and it will be our candidate of the project logo contest.

We will use these logos in our works and you can also all logos in your works and student'.

Friday, 15 November 2019

First game: Small pots

Game instructions

The game is played by an odd number of players. One player is the buyer, the others are in pairs. The couple makes a pot and a keeper. Couples form a circle. The keepers stand and the pots squat down in front of them. The buyer goes around the circle, stands in front of one keeper and takes his arm with his palm facing up. With the other hand, he gently slams the keeper's palm and asks: "How much costs a pot?". The keeper catches the customer the same way, hits the palm of his hand and replies: "Not five, not six, not seven, you will get it never!" Then they each run around the circle to the opposite sides. Whoever reaches the pot first becomes its keeper, the second becomes the buyer. A pot and a keeper can swap places. The goal of the keeper is not to lose his pot but buyer's goal is to become a keeper. 

Igru igra neparan broj igrača. Jedan igrač je kupac, ostali se slože u parove. Par čini lončić i čuvar. Parovi formiraju krug. Čuvari stoje, a lončići čučnu ispred njih. Kupac obilazi krug, stane ispred jednog čuvara i uhvati ga za ruku tako da mu je dlan okrenut prema gore. Drugom rukom lagano udara po dlanu čuvara i pita: „Pošto, kume, lonac?“. Čuvar hvata kupca na isti način, udara po dlanu i odgovara: „Ni po pet, ni po šest, ni po sedam, baš ti ga ne dam!“. Zatim svaki od njih trči oko kruga na suprotnu stranu. Tko prvi stigne do lončića postaje njegov čuvar, drugi postaje kupac. Lončić i čuvar mogu zamijeniti mjesta. Čuvaru je cilj ne izgubiti svoj lončić, a kupcu postati čuvar.