Monday, 25 May 2020

No 2 game: Enlightened emperor, what time is it in the citadel?

NAME OF THE GAME:  Enlightened emperor, what time is it in the citadel?
NUMBER OF PLAYER: At least 3 players (more players, more fun).
TARGET OF THE GAME: At least 5 years old   
GAME DESCRIPTION: Outside is better, but we can play the game even inside (school’s gym, classroom)
You need: good mood and the desire to jump.

1. From the players, it is chosen who will be the emperor. The choice remains at the discretion of the game leader (teacher).

2. The other players go farther from the emperor, a few meters away, and stand at the same distance. Determine together where the players' starting line will be and where the emperor's line will be waiting for them.

3. One by one, each child asks, "Emperor, enlightened, what time is it in the citadel?" The emperor will answer each player individually, giving him an order. Orders can be:
ant steps - put one foot in front of the other;
giant steps - take steps as big as possible;
polenta - a spinning jump (you can try to spin as much as possible and advance a little);
dwarf steps - advance standing on the vine;
fish steps - a leap forward;
crab steps - step  in the back.

4. The emperor says what kind of steps a player should take and how many.

5. Who's winning?
You don't necessarily win this game. The first to reach the emperor takes his place. Careful! It is very possible that the emperor has favorites in the game, so there will be a chaos of all beauty.

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