Monday, 25 May 2020

No 3 game: The river with crocodiles

 NAME OF THE GAME:  The river with crocodiles
NUMBER OF PLAYER: At least 6 players for each team, but more players there are, more funny  the game becomes.
TARGET OF THE GAME: At least 8 years old   
GAME DESCRIPTION: Outside is better, but we can play the game even inside (school’s gym, classroom)
You need: good mood, patience and good skills.

1. The game leader will chalk 2 parallel lines, at a distance of 1 meter between them
2. Once the teams are divided, the players will be placed on 2 rows face to face, exactly on the lines drawn with chalk, which mark the 2 banks of the river.
3. The first player in each team will try to reach the opposite end of the row, passing from one teammate to another, so that the foot remains on the marked line. Players on the same team are allowed to support each other. If the player who started the race puts his foot in the "water", he will be "eaten" by the crocodiles.
4. Optional: 1-2 students can play the role of crocodiles. They are allowed to move left-right through the river, but they are not allowed to pull the players, to unbalance them. When they notice that a player has put his foot in the "water" they are allowed to "grab" it.
5. Wins the team with the most players on the “shore”.

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